Let’s explore the possibilities!
High-Five Blast
Concept: A simple “High-Five” emoji. Each tap spawns a floating high-five icon that drifts upward.
Use Case: Kick off a session by encouraging the crowd to flood the screen with celebratory high-fives, signaling a “let’s go!” vibe.
Heartfelt Support
Concept: A heart (❤️) icon or short text (“We Care”). Tapping it sends hearts floating.
Use Case: Ideal for awarding colleagues or expressing solidarity during a heartfelt message.
Thumbs-Up / Thumbs-Down
Concept: Two emojis: “👍” and “👎.” Taps produce a rising swirl of whichever icon.
Use Case: Quick vibe check—speakers see more thumbs-up or thumbs-down drifting upward. (No scoreboard, just a general “vibe.”)
Clap & Cheer
Concept: “Clap” emoji or text bubble (“Clap!”). Taps result in multiple clap icons floating upward.
Use Case: Encourage a big round of applause after a speaker or achievement, without physically clapping.
Warm or Cold
Concept: “Warm” (🔥) and “Cold” (❄️).
Use Case: Quick gauge after a segment—are we feeling “on fire” or “cool about it?” The drifting emojis visually communicate the collective response.
“We’re On Fire”
Concept: A flame emoji 🔥. Each tap releases a flame bubble upward.
Use Case: Perfect for sales pep rallies: “Light up the stage if you’re motivated for Q4!”
“We Did It!”
Concept: One text bubble reading “We Did It!”
Use Case: At the end of a project or milestone, everyone floods the screen with “We Did It!” as a celebratory moment.
Hype Emojis
Concept: A single big “Hype!” text bubble. Taps send “Hype!” floating.
Use Case: Great for transitions to the next speaker or big product reveal. The screen gets filled with hype bubbles.
“Wow!” Reactions
Concept: A “Wow!” text bubble or mind-blown emoji 🤯.
Use Case: After surprising data or an award reveal, let the crowd shower the stage in “Wow!” icons.
Team Name Shout-Out
Concept: Each region/team has a text bubble (e.g., “Team Asia,” “Team EU”). Tapping spawns that label.
Use Case: During a global call, see which team spams their name the most (visually, no scoreboard).
“I’m In!” Commitment
Concept: “I’m In!” or “Count Me In!” text bubble.
Use Case: After a call to action, attendees can show agreement by sending those confirmations drifting up.
“Team Spirit” Phrases
Concept: 3–4 short phrases (e.g., “Team First,” “One Goal,” “All In”). Each tap floats them upward.
Use Case: Reinforce corporate values or unify the group before starting a workshop.
#Hashtag Pride
Concept: Each team or department has its own #Hashtag bubble (#SalesTeam, #DevCrew).
Use Case: People spam their department’s hashtag, floating them upward in a show of pride.
“Hmmm…” or “Thinking…”
Concept: A bubble with “Thinking…” or a “thinking face” emoji.
Use Case: If the speaker sees too many “hmm…” floating, they might clarify further or slow down.
“All Good!” Check
Concept: Single bubble “All Good!”
Use Case: Quick silent check after a complicated topic. If enough people tap, the speaker knows the majority is onboard.
“Game On!” Cue
Concept: A bubble reading “Game On!”
Use Case: Transitional moment: the speaker says, “We’re about to do a quick exercise, tap ‘Game On!’ if you’re ready!”
Status Check: “Doing Great / Need a Break”
Concept: Two icons: “Doing Great” & “Need a Break.”
Use Case: If “Need a Break” floods up, the speaker might schedule a short coffee break.
“Focus On This”
Concept: A short bubble text “Focus!” or “Focus On This!”
Use Case: Presenter cues a key topic, invites the audience to show engagement by tapping “Focus!” The screen shows floating reminders.
“Ready to Move On”
Concept: A bubble reading “Ready!”
Use Case: Non-verbal poll for the speaker. If enough people spam “Ready,” the speaker moves to the next topic.
“Next Big Idea”
Concept: A lightbulb emoji 💡.
Use Case: Encourage people to tap whenever they have an idea. The screen fills with lightbulbs, indicating a wave of innovative thinking.
“Overtime or Not?”
Concept: Two icons: “I’m Good” vs. “Need to Stop.”
Use Case: If the session is running long, see quick signals if people are okay continuing. The screen is full of “I’m Good,” so you keep going.
“Done & Dusted!”
Concept: A bubble reading “Done!”
Use Case: After a workshop activity, participants press “Done!” to show they finished. The stage floods with “Done!” as a final check.